Frants Henningsen | Genre painter
Frants Peter Diderik Henningsen (Copenhagen, 1850-1908) was a Danish painter, illustrator and professor.His paintings depict unfortunate occurrences in the lives of middle-class people living in...
View ArticleRobert Schumann: "Talent works, genius creates"!
▻"Art was not created as a way to riches. Strive to become a true artist; all else will take care of itself".▻"Only if the form is first clear to you will the spirit then reveal itself".▻"To compose is...
View ArticleFrancis Henry Newbery | Glasgow School of Art
Francis Henry Newbery (1855-1946) or Fra Newbery was a painter and art educationist, best known as director of the Glasgow School of Art between 1885-1917.Under his leadership the School developed an...
View ArticleJoe Webb, 1976 | Mixed media painter
Joe Webb is a British visual artist, known for his enticing handmade mixed media collages.He uses images from vintage magazines and posters to conjure surreal narratives that express both a comical and...
View ArticlePaige Bradley, 1974 | Figurative sculptor
Born in Carmel, California Paige Bradley knew she would be an artist by the age of nine.Immersed in nature and art, Bradley’s fascination with the human figure began early.She believed that through the...
View ArticleLouise Camille Fenne, 1972 | Magic realism painter
Louise Camille Fenne was born in Copenhagen, Denmark.Having a Danish father and an English mother, she grew up and went to school in both Denmark and England.Louise studied drawing in Aix-en Provence,...
View ArticleFyodor Dostoyevsky: La bellezza salverà il mondo! / The beauty will save the...
"Ama la vita più della sua logica, solo allora ne capirai il senso"."A volte l’uomo è straordinariamente, appassionatamente innamorato della sofferenza"."Colui che mente a se stesso e dà ascolto alla...
View ArticleAnthony de Mello: "La prova dell’amore è il sacrificio.."
Pensate forse di aiutare le persone perché ne siete innamorate?Ebbene, devo darvi una notizia.Non si è mai innamorati di qualcuno.Si è soltanto innamorati della idea che ci si è fatti di una data...
View ArticleReinaldo Arenas | The Parade Ends / La parata è finita
Cammino lungo strade sprofondate,per le fogne che si disfanodavanti a edifici che devi schivare,perchè ti cadrebbero addosso,davanti a facce torve che ti scrutano e ti giudicano,davanti a negozi...
View ArticleEmanuel Baschny (Austrian, 1876-1932)
Emanuel Baschny was an Austrian painter, draftsman, graphic artist, etcher.Born: Sternberg - Czech Republic, Europe in October 3, 1876.Death: Vienna, Vienna, Austria, Europe in November 1, 1932.From...
View ArticleKatya Morgun, 1982 | Romantic figurative painter
Katya Morgun was born in Nizhniy Novgorod (Russia). Both she and her twin brother, Slava, demonstrated an interest in art at the early age of three.At that point, Katya the child began her art career...
View ArticleAlfonso Savini | Genre painter
Alfonso Savini (1836-1908) was an Italian painter, mainly of genre and flower paintings.He was a resident in Bologna, and became professor of the Academy of Fine Arts of Bologna.His father Alfredo...
View ArticlePremio Nobel per la Letteratura
Il premio Nobel per la Letteraturaè uno dei cinque premi istituiti dal testamento di Alfred Nobel nel 1895 ed è attribuito all'autore nel campo della letteratura mondiale che "si sia maggiormente...
View ArticleSibilla Aleramo | Tentazione
Hai avuto un gesto delle mani, dolce,mentre parlavi dell’amore femineo,hai figurato col cavo delle mani dolcementela raccolta e tremula dedizione d’un cuore.Maria Amaral... Read more .. »
View ArticleLizzy Ansingh | The Amsterdamse Joffers group
Maria Elisabeth Georgina Ansingh (13 March 1875 - 14 December 1959) was a Dutch painter.Ansingh belonged to a group of female post-impressionist painters influenced by the Amsterdam Impressionism...
View ArticleAnthony De Mello | L'Aquila che si crede un Pollo / The Eagle who thought he...
Un uomo trovò un uovo d'aquila e lo mise nel nido di una chioccia.L'uovo si schiuse contemporaneamente a quelli della covata e l'aquilotto crebbe insieme ai pulcini.Per tutta la vita l'aquilotto fece...
View ArticleEraclito: "Il carattere di un uomo è il suo destino"
•"L'armonia invisibile è una sfera perfetta e incontaminata. Quella visibile, invece, si deforma continuamente sotto il peso della realtà…"•"L'apprendere molte cose non insegna l'intelligenza.."Raphael...
View ArticlePicasso and the still life
For Picasso, life in all its forms - its tragedies, joys, and banalities; his great loves and his children; the people, places and events that shaped him - fed his insatiable need to...
View ArticleBernard Buffet | Expressionist painter
Bernard Buffet (1928-1999) was a French painter of Expressionism and a member of the anti-abstract art group L'homme Témoin (the Witness-Man).Bernard Buffet represents a typical demonstration of the...
View ArticleGhiannis Ritsos | Moonlight sonata / Sonata al chiaro di luna, 1956
Jeremy MannA spring evening.A large room in an old house. A woman of a certain age, dressed in black, is speaking to a young man. They have not turned on the lights.Through both windows the moonlight...
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