Giuliano Grittini, 1951 | Photographer / Pop Art painter
Giuliano Grittini was born and lives in Corbetta (Milan - Italy), where he attended the School of Graphic Design and had the opportunity to develop his skills especially in printing of author's...
View ArticleIl gabbiano Jonathan Livingston, 1970 | Prima parte
Al vero Gabbiano Jonathan che vive nel profondo di tutti noi!Mario Lupo | Il gabbiano Jonathan Livingston | Monumento alla liberta"Il gabbiano Jonathan Livingston" (Jonathan Livingston Seagull)è un...
View ArticleGeorgi Lapchine (1885-1950)
Georgi (Georges) Alexandrovich Lapchine / Георгий Александрович Лапшин è nato a Mosca.All'inizio del 1900 ha studiato alla scuola Stroganov. Ha vissuto a Parigi, dove ha studiato con Cormon e JF...
View ArticleIl gabbiano Jonathan Livingston | Seconda parte
Richard Bach: "Al vero Gabbiano Jonathan che vive nel profondo di tutti noi!"Richard Bach and Jonathan Livingston SeagullSicché questo è il paradiso, egli pensò, e gli venne da sorridere fra sé. Non...
View ArticleAntonio Calderara (1903-1978) | Abstract / Minimalist painter
- "Contemplation, harmony, proportion, stillness; this is the invisible thread that weave my aspiration" - Antonio CalderaraSelf-taught as a child growing up in Milan, and later mentored for a time by...
View ArticleOlga Darchuk /Ольга Дарчук, 1976
La pittrice ed insegnante d'arte Ucraina Olga Darchuk è nata nella città di Krivoy Rog, nella regione di Dnepropetrovsk.Si è laureata presso il Liceo Artistico e l'Università pedagogica Krivoy Rog -...
View ArticleDante Alighieri | My lady looks so gentle and so pure / Tanto gentile e tanto...
La "Vita Nuova" (The New Life) or "Vita Nova" (Latin title) is a text by Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) published in 1294.It is an expression of the medieval genre of courtly love in a prosimetrum style,...
View ArticleChristophe Vacher, 1996 | Fantasy painter
Christophe Vacher is a two-time Emmy Award winner and Annie Award Nominee French artist who has provided Backgrounds, Visual Development and Art Direction for Disney, Dreamworks, Universal Studios and...
View ArticleIl gabbiano Jonathan Livingston | Parte terza
"Jonathan è quel vivido piccolo fuoco che arde in tutti noi, che vive solo per quei momenti in cui raggiungiamo la perfezione" - Richard Bach.Jonathan volteggiava lentamente sopra le Scogliere Remote,...
View ArticleOzz Franca (1928-1991) Figurative painter
Born and grew up in Sao Paolo, Brazil, and from an early age he showed talents an artist, as well as exceptional prowess as a competitive swimmer.At 14 he won first prize at the annual Spring Salon Art...
View Article18 Marzo ~ Giornata Nazionale in Memoria delle Vittime Covid-19
Quel giorno anche la mia città era deserta. Deserta di persone, di negozi, di vita!Uscita con i miei barboncini, ero sola per la strada, sola con la paura e la tristezza. Non avrei mai pensato di...
View ArticleJonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach | Quotes / Aforismi
▻"Your whole body… is nothing more than your thought itself, in a form you can see. Break the chains of your thought, and you break the chains of your body, too…"▻ "Il vostro corpo non è altro che il...
View ArticleMadeleine Lemaire (1845-1928) | the Empress of Roses
Madame Madeleine Lemaire, née Coll was a French painter and illustrator specialized in watercolour and oils of still-lives of flowers, especially roses, genre scenes and portraits.Madeleine Lemaire was...
View ArticleEugeniusz Żak
Belarusian / Polish artist Eugeniusz Zak (1884-1926) was born to a family of Polish Jews in Minsk, Belarus. As a boy he moved to Warsaw, where he graduated from a non-classical secondary school.In...
View ArticleEdoardo Ettore Forti | Neo-Pompeian painter
Edoardo Ettore Forti (1850-1940) was an Italian painter, active late 19th century - early 20th century. was an Italian painter, who was prolific in depicting realistic Neo-Pompeian scenes of Ancient...
View ArticleDouglas Kirkland, 1934 | Hollywood's photographer
Douglas Kirkland is a Canadian photographer based in the United States.Douglas Kirkland is the legendary photographer who captured Hollywood elite.Kirkland has been the cutting edge of fashion,...
View ArticlePaolo and Francesca | Dante Alighieri ~ Inferno, Canto V
Divina Commedia | Inferno| Canto quintoAmor, ch’a nullo amato amar perdona,mi prese del costui piacer sì forte,che, come vedi, ancor non m’abbandona.Amor condusse noi ad una morte.Caina attende chi a...
View ArticleDante Alighieri | Ladies that have intelligence in love / Donne ch’avete...
Ladies that have intelligence in love,Of mine own lady I would speak with you;Not that I hope to count her praises through,But telling what I may, to ease my mind.And I declare that when I speak...
View ArticleFrida Kahlo | I'm not asking you to kiss me / Non ti chiedo di darmi un bacio
I'm not asking you to kiss me,nor apologize to me when I think you're wrong.I won't even ask you to hug me when I need it most.I don't ask you to tell me how beautiful I am,even if it's a lie, nor...
View ArticleEdvard Munch | Summer Day, 1908
Munch began working on "Summer Day" in 1903, as part of a major commission by Dr Max Linde, for his children’s nursery room at their family home at Lübeck.Linde (1862-1940) was an ophthalmologist and...
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