Paul Cézanne | Figure e le Lettere
Durante la sua vitav il pittore Paul Cézanne ha tenuto molta corrispondenza - oltre 250 lettere, scritte a familiari, amici, colleghi artisti e mercanti, e che abbracciano le principali figure...
View ArticleHua Chen, 1952 | Impressionist Figurative painter
Hua Chen was born in Shanghai, People's Republic of China. Between the years of 1973-1976, Chen earned a Bachelors Degree of Fine Art from the Anhui Teacher's University, Anhui, China.He then went on...
View ArticlePaul Cézanne | Corrispondenza con Émile Bernard
Aix, 27 giugno 1904Mio caro Bernard,ho ricevuto la vostra del... che ho lasciato in campagna. Se ho tardato a rispondervi, è perché sono soggetto a disturbi cerebrali, che mi impediscono di agire...
View ArticleCloisonnisme (1888-1894)
Introduction and HistoryIn French painting, the term "cloisonnism" (after the French for "partition") describes a style of expressionism associated, in particular, with Emile Bernard (1868-1941), Louis...
View ArticleGulyás László, 1960 | Ballet dancers
Nato a Budapest, il pittore ungherese Laszlo Gulyas si è diplomato all'Accademia di Belle Arti ed Arti Applicate.Laszlo ha continuato i suoi studi come studente dell'Accademia di Belle Arti tra il 1983...
View ArticleMaurice Denis | Les Nabis Group
Even today Maurice Denis' (1870-1943) place in the history of art remains unspecified. Known as the "Nabi of the beautiful icons", he is celebrated alongside Vuillard and Bonnard as one of the most...
View ArticleMax Leenhardt (1853-1941)
Michel Maximilien Leenhardt was a French painter, known for landscapes, history paintings and genre scenes.BiographyHis father was a bank manager. In 1872, he entered the "École supérieure des...
View ArticleÉmile Bernard | Symbolist painter
Émile Bernard (1868-1941) was a French painter known for his involvement in the Cloisonnism movement - a post-Impressionist style defined by flat, bold planes and dark contours - as well as his...
View ArticleCarolina Landea, 1960 | Moments
Carolina Landea, Chilean painter, residing in the small coastal village of Cachagua, Chile, Carolina's paintings are stories of life; capturing moments, landscapes and the people who weave a certain...
View ArticleChilean Artists
Chilean art refers to all kinds of visual art developed in Chile, or by Chileans, from the arrival of the Spanish conquerors to the modern day. It also includes the native pre-Columbian pictorial...
View ArticleAlejandro Decinti, 1973
Chilean-Italian painter Alejandro DeCinti is a painter born in Santiago de Chile.He obtained his Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts from the University of Chile. Since 2001 he is based in Spain.He was...
View ArticleEdward Willis Redfield | Impressionist painter
Among the New Hope impressionists painters, Edward Willis Redfield (1869-1965) was the most decorated, winning more awards than any American artist except John Singer Sargent.Primarily a landscape...
View ArticleClaudio Bravo Camus | Hyperrealist painter
Claudio Bravo Camus (November 8, 1936 – June 4, 2011) was a Chilean hyperrealist painter. He was greatly influenced by Renaissance and Baroque artists, as well as Surrealist painters such as Salvador...
View ArticleEugenè Burnand (1850-1921) | Naturalist painter
Eugène Burnand was a prolific Swiss painter and illustrator from Moudon, Switzerland.Born of prosperous parents who taught him to appreciate art and the countryside, he first trained as an architect...
View ArticleGabriel Mark Lipper | Figurative painter
"I love to paint. I’ve been blessed by timing. To be alive right now for this chapter in arts history is a phenomenal gift. Classicism, once pronounced “dead” is reemerging with a new contemporary...
View ArticleLeonardo da Vinci | Dell'imitare pittori
Trattato della Pittura - Parte seconda | Capitoli 54-78Il Testo IntegraleIndice54. Del giudizio del pittore.55. Discorso de' precetti del pittore.56. Precetto del pittore.57. Precetti del pittore.58....
View ArticleLeonardo da Vinci | Del massimo difetto de' pittori..
Trattato della Pittura - Parte seconda | Capitoli 79-105Il Testo IntegraleIndice79. Ordine del disegnare.80. Del ritrarre di naturale.81. Del ritrarre una qualunque cosa.82. Come deve essere alto il...
View ArticleRobert Fowler | Victorian painter
Robert Fowler (1853-1926) was an Scottish artist who painted mythological scenes and landscapes. Fowler was born in Anstruther, Fife, and was brought up mainly by his uncle and aunt while his parents...
View ArticleLeonardo da Vinci | Come si deve figurare una notte
Trattato della Pittura - Parte seconda | Capitoli 106-144Il Testo IntegraleIndice106. Precetto, che il pittore non s'inganni nell'elezione della figura in che esso fa l'abito.107. Difetto de' pittori...
View ArticleTony Robert-Fleury | Academic painter
Tony Robert-Fleury (1 September 1837 - 8 December 1911) was a French painter, known primarily for historical scenes. He was also a prominent art teacher, with many famous artists among his...
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