Channel: Tutt'Art@ | Pittura * Scultura * Poesia * Musica
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Philipp Weber, 1974 | Hyperrealist painter


German painter Philipp Weber tells the stories that move him, using a hyperrealist style. Realism, pop, composition and an attempt to find an inner truth determine the artist’s approach, which places women at the heart of his cyclical works. Like Mel Ramos, Philipp Weber depicts the artificiality and the clichés of the fashion and advertising world. His young women pose as if for a photo shoot for a glossy magazine, providing a blank canvas for men’s dreams, thus picking up on a traditional artistic theme.

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Dimitra Milan, 2000 | Whimsical /Surrealist painter


Celebrated artist by the age of 16, Dimitra Milan’s extraordinary paintings can be found in private collections across the U.S. and Europe. Born into a family of established artists, Dimitra has been developing her style and ability from a very young age at the Milan Art Institute in Arizona, founded by her parents, Elli and John Milan. Whimsical and Surreal, Dimitra expresses herself through rich color and bold designs. Her paintings reflect a dreamy world where anything is possible and fearless subjects harmoniously coexist. Her original art can be found in fine art galleries in Arizona and Hawaii.

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DU Kun 杜昆, 1982 ~ Revels of the Rock Gods | Surrealist painter


DU Kun /杜昆 born in Sichuan, China, in 1982. Under the influence of his art teacher father DU began studying painting from the age of four, later graduating from Beijing’s Central Academy of Fine Arts’ Oil Painting program. Today he works between Tianjin and Beijing as his base, and is particularly widely renowned as a young Chinese artist for his creativity and the brilliance of his techniques. Further, since his student days, in addition to his work as a painter DU Kun has been applying his talents in the field of music. He made his professional debut as a rock musician while still at art school, and has since frequently demonstrated his musical prowess.

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Ilyas Aidarov /Ильяс Айдаров, 1956 | Paris painting


Ильяс Айдаров was born in Kazan. He graduated from Moscow Architectural Institute. Corresponding Fellow of Russian Academy of Arts, People’s Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan, Honoured Artist of Tajikistan, Member of the International Academy of Art and Culture, Member of the USSR Union of Architects, Member of Artists Union of Russia (MOSH), Member of Moscow Union of Artists (MSH), Member of Artists Union of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Ilyas has been awarded the top state and communal awards in the arts field. For an unprecedented exhibition in space aboard the International Space Station (ISS) has been honoured entry into the Guinness Book of Records (Russian branch).

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Dean Bowlby, 1961 | Cityscape painter


Dean Bowlby was born in Denver, Colorado on March 12, 1961.
BA Degree from Regis College.
Dean was raised in the Roaring Fork Valley of Western Colorado. The rural upbringing encouraged a wonder and innate love for his surroundings. This has been carried through to his career as an artist.

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Tomasa Martin, 1960 | Minimalist /Mixed media painter


Spanish painter Tomasa Martin work of intimist character and minimalist construction. Inspired by details daily and motivated by the events around the world. Exhibitions from 1990 in Europe, USA and Asia.
Education: Fine Arts Licensed by Masana School (Barcelona).

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Victor Colesnicenco, 1968 | Mixed media /Cityscape painter


Victor Colesnicenco (a.k.a. NEMO) grew up in Chisinau, the capital city of Moldova. This Eastern European nation is known for its rich artistic heritage. Nemo, as he is known to his friends, remembers being fascinated by the carvings and other craftworks that surrounded him. In particular he loved paintings and from an early age he was determined to become an artist.
Nemo began intense inquiry into the style and techniques of the famous painters and formed a particular interest in the work of the Surrealists.

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Mihai Olteanu, 1962 | Figure /Landscapes /Portraits /Still life painter

Stefano Sampietro, 1973 | Abstract /Mixed media painter


Stefano Sampietro was born in Como, Italy- during the oil crisis of 1973. 'My art is skeptical without being relativist, libertarian without being anarchist'.
  • 1998. Degree in Economics, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy:
  • 2004. PhD in Quantitative Finance, University of Lugano, Switzerland.
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Joseph Zbukvic, 1952 | Watercolour Cityscape painter


Joseph Zbukvic was born in Zagreb, today’s Croatian capital. From childhood he was fond of art, but his parents thought it wasn’t an important talent, so Joseph was sent to a Pedagogical University, where he studied languages. The political instability in Yugoslavia forced the Zbukvic family to leave their home and move to Australia. Of course the education had to be abandoned. A few years later the name of Joseph Zbukvic became famous, despite his parents wish to bury the talent of their son. Now he is exhibiting all around the world, and frequently holds master classes, and teaches in many art schools in Europe and North America.

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Andrea Bucci, 1966 | Figurative /Abstract sculptor


Andrea Bucci was born in 1966 in Viareggio, Tuscany, on the Italian seacoast, where he lives and works. Son of an artist, but self-taught in his medium of terra cotta, he laid aside a career in architecture to place himself under the critical public eye and affront the road of an artist. He has the spontaneity of youth but also the determination of one who has objectives and wants to pursue them.
His ceramic and bronze figures have poetic simplicity: where, however, everything has a sense. Certain accentuations and deformations finish his pieces with a normal appearance, as if the reality is that represented by the sculptor, and not vice versa.

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Christophe Heymann, 1956 | Pop Art painter


Christophe Heymann was born in Fort-Lamy (Chad) the 4th of August 1956. Four years later, confronted with the first violent waves of independance, the family went back to France. Wrenched from his native soil, the artist will always have an unquenched and mysterious attraction to his roots. This memory of a premature departure from his birthplace has always remained a source of inspiration.

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Alex Kanevsky, 1963 | Classical Impressionist / Abstract painter


The Russian-born American painter Alex Kanevsky was born in Rostov (Russia) in 1963 and came to the United States in 1983 with his family. Kanevsky settled in Philadelphia where he later studied and graduated from the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts.
He was honored with many prestigious awards while attending PAFA including the Pearson Memorial Prize for Painting; the Pennsylvania Governor's Award for Painting; the William Emlen Cresson Memorial Travel Scholarship, which he used for travel in Italy, Germany, Switzerland, France and Russia in 1992; and a full fellowship to the Vermont Studio Center in 1994.

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John Salminen, 1945 | Abstract Cityscape painter


John Salminen (born January 18, 1945) is an award-winningAmerican watercolor painter who is well known for his realistic urban landscapes. His work was described as "compelling street scenes packed with detail" by Watercolor Magic magazine's senior editor, Loraine Crouch.
Salminen was born and raised in St. Paul, Minnesota. He earned his Bachelor's Degree and Master's Degree from the University of Minnesota. He lives in a self-built log cabin surrounded by 40 acres (160,000 m2) of pine forest in Duluth, Minnesota.

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Allen Jones RA, 1937 | Pop Art painter and sculptor


Allen Jones studied at Hornsey College of Art from 1955-1959 and the Royal College of Art from 1959-1960. Between 1961-1983 he taught at Croydon College of Art, Chelsea School of Art, University of South Florida, Hochschule für Bildenden Kunst, Hamburg, University of California, Los Angeles, University of California, Irvine and Hochschule der Kunste, Berlin. Jones was appointed a Trustee of the British Museum from 1990-1999.

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Patrick Gonzales, 1965 | Surrealist Digital painter


Patrick Gonzalès is a visual artist born in Miggenes, France. He began painting at the age of 15, mainly by replicating great works of art, while in parallel he was developing his own artistic style. Since then he has constantly evolved and gradually experimented with photography and later on digital painting, blending both to his art. Today he is most comfortable referring to his art as a mixture of photography and digital painting. His main theme is dreams and childhood from a surrealistic perspective. Gonzalès lives and works in Dijon, France.

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Jonas Kunickas, 1978 | Figurative Palette Knife painter


Jonas Kunickas was born in Lithuania. Have been studying architecture and got Master's degree of architecture in 2002. For ten years used to work as an architect and interior designer in Lithuania and United Kingdom. However, my biggest passion has always been painting. In 2012 active painting superseded my previous occupation - now it‘s the only work I do for a living as well as for a pleasure.

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Henri Lamy, 1985 | Portrait Palette Knife painter


Henri Lamy is a French figurative painter, born in 1985. Seduced by the immediacy and spontaneity of the acrylic, the quality of his work is enhanced by the lively colors and his expressive compositions, as well as the use of palette knife.
Initiated at a very young age by his father, Henri is an admirer of Pollock and "drip painting". His painting appears to be more abstract at close range but becomes more figurative from a distance.

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Justyna Kopania ~ Ballet Dancer | Abstract Palette Knife painter

Paulo Coelho /Catrin Welz-Stein ~ Quotes /Aforismi

Paulo Coelho de Souza, 1947 - Brazilian lyricist and novelist

    Culture makes people understand each other better. And if they understand each other better in their soul, it is easier to overcome the economic and political barriers. But first they have to understand that their neighbour is, in the end, just like them, with the same problems, the same questions.
  • I can control my destiny, but not my fate. Destiny means there are opportunities to turn right or left, but fate is a one-way street. I believe we all have the choice as to whether we fulfil our destiny, but our fate is sealed.
  • Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering.
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