Channel: Tutt'Art@ | Pittura * Scultura * Poesia * Musica
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Jeff Jamison, 1958 | Impressionist Plein Air painter


Jeff Jamison is an award winning oil painter whose painting style is built on superb drawing skills in a process he calls controlled chaos. He uses no secret techniques or materials, choosing instead to paint in the traditional processes used by the Old Masters. Jeff feels that by working in this manner, using the same tools and materials as the great painters like Velazquez, Sargent and Sorolla, the only thing standing in the way of arranging those materials into truly great painting is Jeff Jamison. Along with that comes the sobering realization that one may never paint on a level of a Sargent or a Sorolla but Jeff loves the challenge and feels it is his personal responsibility to get out of bed every day and try to do just that.

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Sergey Tyukanov /Сергей Тюканов, 1955 | Surrealist painter


Sergey Tyukanov was born 17 of May 1955, Poronaisk, Sakhalin Region, Russia. In 1981 he graduated Khabarovsk Teacher’s Training Institute, Artist Graphic Department - Master’s Degree. Lives and works in Kaliningrad and Chicago as a free artist.
Sergey Tyukanov draws on stories, folklore and myth from around the world. His incredible imagination inspires these unique, intriguing creations. Sergey has the steady hand of a formally-trained printmaker, and he has also brought us beautifully detailed watercolors and drawings.
Although he was born and educated in rural Russia, exhibitions in museums and galleries have taken Sergey across Europe and Asia. Atlas Galleries is proud to give Sergey his first one man show in Chicago.
He took part in more than 300 international exhibitions, has international awards, prizes, medals for his art works. He works in Chicago and St. Petersburg.

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Pavel Mitkov, 1977 | Parisian dreams


Pavel Mitkov was born in Sofia, Bulgaria, to a family of young engineers. Back then, life in socialist Bulgaria was set and uniform - everybody had work; education and healthcare were free of charge; people went on vacation once a year to whatever destination they were sent to from work. Those are the artist’s earliest childhood recollections of a seemingly smooth and secure life, which, however, was lacking many other opportunities for creative outlet and recognition.
For biographical notes -in english and italian- and other works by Mitkov see Pavel Mitkov, 1977 | Impressionist /Abstract painter ➦.

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Alyssa Monks, 1977 | Figurative Abstract painter

Lizette Luijten-Daas, 1965 | Figurative painter


Lizette Luijten-Daas was born on the 16th December 1965 at Breda, Netherlands.
She studied at the Möller - institute and at Academy for Arts of Design in Tilburg. She learns a lot a gets a lot of enjoyment from teaching art in several schools and giving art courses.
She exhibits regularly in the Netherlands and Belgium. Beside her activities as an artist in her own company Artilize, she has worked since 1989 as an identikit picture drawer for the police force.

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Natalie Hirschman | Figurative painter


'I graduated in 1997 from Rhodes University with an honours degree in Fine art practical, Theory and philosophy of art and Anthropology. After university I travelled extensively to Europe, South America and Asia. These 6 years of adventure allowed me to develop my plein air skills; and absorb the lessons of some of my favourite contemporary artists, and old masters. I have since pursued a full time career in oil painting. I still travel as often as possible to feed my inspiration'.

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Martin Poole | Figurative painter


Martin Poole originally went to the State University of New York, Buffalo, where he majored in Fine Arts, studying printmaking. He met the late Thomas S. Buechner through fellow artist, Tom Gardner in 1980. Poole continued to hone his emotive style under the tutelage of Buechner who stated that during his time with Poole, "A small group of people who like to paint met on Sunday mornings in nice weather to do landscapes together.
About a year later, when my studio was finished, we added a Friday night session with a model, and painted still life subjects on Sundays when weather was bad. Marty and I have painted together almost every week through all these years. He has become the most stimulating presence in my life as a Corning painter, and a friend whom I enjoy immensely".

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Kemal Kamil AKCA | The fire in my soul

Nasser Zadeh, 1953 | Cityscape painter


Art has always been a part of Zadeh's life.
Born in 1953 in Tabriz, Iran. Nasser grew up under a variety of influences varying from carpet weaving,carpet designing to painting. At the age of 25, he decided to follow in the footsteps of his father, and decided to engage in both of these arts. He is now viewed as a master in his field as a successful Iranian artist specializing in watercolor, Oil and Acrylic paintings.
Nasser currently resides in Cape Town South Africa, where he continues his legacy expanding the use of media from watercolor to oil and acrylic.

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Eugene J. Paprocki, 1971 | Chicago painting

Mia Araujo, 1986 | Pop-Surrealism painter


Born and raised in Los Angeles, Argentine-American painter Mia Araujo has long been fascinated by stories and characters, and the multi-faceted complexity that makes each person unique.
Mia believes that all individuals contain an entire universe within them, which is invisible to the naked eye. Her work concentrates on giving shape to the unseen forces within her subjects - their thoughts, memories, emotions, and complex histories. It is these qualities that fit together to form a vast, rich inner-landscape of identity and mythology for her characters.

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Francis O'Toole | Figurative /Portrait painter


Francis O'Toole is a Dublin based artist, who has studied in Florence, Italy.
At 17 Francis was involved in an industrial accident which very nearly claimed his life. After spending over a year in hospital and rehabilitation, Francis spent a number of years confused about what path to take in life, this lead to him straying into the wrong group of people and encountering a dark world of up and coming criminals. One day out of concern for her son Francis' mother suggested he paint, at first Francis believe this to be silly, but slowly began to enjoy this activity.

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Hughie O'Donoghue RA, 1953 | Abstract Expressionism painter


© The Royal Academy of Arts /Hughie O’Donoghue RA was born in England but lived and worked for many years in County Kerry, Ireland. He graduated from Goldsmiths in 1982 and was Artist in Residence at the National Gallery, London from 1984-85.
His work is characterised by an engagement with the past. He uses figuration and abstraction to explore themes of human identity, memory and experience; and draws on history, mythology and personal records to create works which resonate with emotional intensity.

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Barbara Jaenicke, 1964 | Plein Air /Still life /Pastel painter


Barbara Courtney Jaenicke (pronounced JAN-i-kee) loved to draw and paint as a teenager and decided at an early age to pursue an art career in one form or another. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1986 from The College of New Jersey, taking as many fine art courses as she could, while also taking painting classes outside of her college studies. But with the desire to have a steady income right after college, she geared her education toward the commercial side and spent a little over a decade of her early career in advertising as an art director, then later shifted gears to a corporate role in marketing communications.
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Karen Hollingsworth, 1955 | WindowScape painter


Early in her career as an artist, Karen Hollingsworth painted mostly portraits and still life arrangements. Then, around 2002, while Karen was moving furniture around her studio to set up the scene for a new still life, she placed a chair in front of a window and thought, "Now that’s a painting!" That’s when Karen switched her focus and began mainly painting compositions of chairs and windows. From there she evolved into painting open windows with a variety of scenes beyond them. Referred to as "windowscapes", these works have become her signature style. Karen’s images vary from the whimsical (such as paintings with elephants) to the foreboding (such as paintings with crows).

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Andrew Kish III, 1980 | Conceptual /Symbolist /Master Watercolor painter


Andrew Kish III is an award winning master Watercolor painter who is constantly pushing the boundries of contemporary watercolor. Andrew holds a BFA from Kutztown University and resides in eastern Pennsylvania.
Born in 1980 in Bethlehem Pennsylvania, Andrew M. Kish III has emerged as one of the premier watercolor painters of his generation. Kish received his B.F.A. in painting from Kutztown University. His paintings explore social subjects ranging from politics to spirituality and dive deeply into the contemporary human experience. His unique ability to blend thought provoking concepts with powerful compositions is evolving the landscape of contemporary watercolor. Kish’s current work deals with the morality of social paradigms and challenges the viewer with rich provocative and metaphoric imagery.

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Vincent van Gogh | Study of hands

  • Cos'è disegnare? Come ci si arriva? È l'atto di aprirsi un passaggio attraverso un muro di ferro invisibile che sembra trovarsi tra ciò che si sente e che si può.
  • Faccio sempre ciò che non so fare per imparare come va fatto.
  • L'arte è gelosa... bisogna lavorare a lungo e duramente per afferrarne l'essenza. Quello a cui miro è maledettamente difficile, eppure non penso di mirare troppo in alto.
  • Soffrire senza lamentarsi è l'unica lezione da imparare in questa vita.
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Diego Velázquez | Baroque Era painter


Diego Velázquez, in full Diego Rodríguez de Silva Velázquez (baptized June 6, 1599, Sevilla, Spain-died Aug. 6, 1660, Madrid), the most important Spanish painter of the 17th century, a giant of Western art.
Velázquez is universally acknowledged as one of the world’s greatest artists. The naturalistic style in which he was trained provided a language for the expression of his remarkable power of observation in portraying both the living model and still life. Stimulated by the study of 16th-century Venetian painting, he developed from a master of faithful likeness and characterization into the creator of masterpieces of visual impression unique in his time. With brilliant diversity of brushstrokes and subtle harmonies of colour, he achieved effects of form and texture, space, light, and atmosphere, that make him the chief forerunner of 19th-century French Impressionism.

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Gian Lorenzo Bernini | Painting and Drawing | Baroque Era style

Leonardo da Vinci ~ Comparazione della pittura alla scultura

Trattato della Pittura- Parte prima /36

La pittura è di maggior discorso mentale e di maggiore artificio e maraviglia che la scultura, conciossiaché necessità costringe la mente del pittore a trasmutarsi nella propria mente di natura, e a farsi interprete infra essa natura e l'arte, comentando con quella le cause delle sue dimostrazioni costrette dalla sua legge, ed in che modo le similitudini degli obietti circostanti all'occhio concorrano co' veri simulacri alla pupilla dell'occhio, e infra gli obietti eguali in grandezza quale si dimostrerà maggiore ad esso occhio, e infra i colori eguali qual si dimostrerà piú o meno oscuro, o piú o men chiaro; e infra le cose di eguale bassezza, quale si dimostrerà piú o men bassa; e di quelle che sono poste in altezza eguale, quale si dimostrerà piú o meno alta; e degli obietti eguali posti in varie distanze, perché si dimostreranno men noti l'un che l'altro.

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